
Friday, November 8, 2013

Quickie Cleaning Tips

Pin It! photo pinit_zpsf167322e.gif"/> I am pretty sure I may possibly be in the verge of OCD. I can go to bed with a slightly messy kitchen, a couple toys on the living room floor, etc. but I can not STAND a mess. I say i'm on the *verge* of OCD because i'm not one of those people who HAS to have everything in it's place or I can't sleep. But you best believe i'm not awake long before I start cleaning. With 3 kids and a man child husband, this house takes some up keep!! I know i'm not alone. Sometimes I slack and don't clean for a day or 2, which means when I do clean, it takes me F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I hate that. There are so many other things I could be doing, like spending time with my kids, or catching up with the Kardashian's and their shenanigans (i'm a sucker for reality TV) I get compliments from time to time when I post random pics on facebook of my kids and people can see the background and how clean the house is, they seemed surprised! Not that I would have a clean house, but I guess that I have 3 kids, a husband, and still keep the house in pretty good shape. I also have an obsession with house smells. I can not stand a smelly house. I've got plug in's all over the place, a wax warmer constantly on, candles lit, I spray febreze constantly, I would die if my house stunk. I thought I would share some tips that help me keep a fairly tidy house from day to day, that doesn't take an all day deep cleaning session. For every minute you spend organizing, you gain an hour in the future. Cleaning is no different. If you take 15 or 20 mins every day to do some tidying up, you will save yourself an hour or 2 of deep cleaning later.

Since we moved into a house with all wood floors, I sweep every day. Kids=crumbs. Dogs=dog hair. It's pretty necessary. If you don't have all wood floors, you should vacuum the rooms that get the most traffic every day. There is only 1 room in our entire house with carpet, mine and my husbands room. So I actually have to sweep all the rooms everyday. Our house is only around 1600 sq feet, so luckily it's not a WHOLE lot to sweep. If you have carpet in all rooms, I would recommend vacuuming the main areas daily, and bedrooms once a week.

Probably should of said this first, but clean all counter tops daily. I clean all my kitchen counters every morning. Most people probably clean their counters before bed/after dinner. But my husband eats constantly. I dont know where the man puts it all. He makes me sick, and I want to smack him, it's not fair! Why can't women eat whatever they want and not gain 10 lbs over night!! Ok. Rant over. I stay pretty busy all day with my 2 littles at home, picking up my 6 year old from school, doing the mounds of home work he has with him, making dinner, baths.. my husband works long days, he leaves around 6:45am and gets home about 6pm sometimes later, so it's up to me to hold down the fort, make sure the kids are fed, bathed, home work is done, all by myself. It's not easy!! So I don't always feel like cleaning the counters after dinner. And the lucky girl that I am, my husband normally takes care of the dishes when he gets home (loading and unloading dishwasher) he eats dinner, then continuously eats until he goes to bed. So I think why bother with the counters before bed, if they're really bad, i'll clean them, and we do clean up spills or spots off the counters, so it's not like we wake up with the counters covered in juice drippings that have become sticky and spots all over, because those are cleaned as they happen. But you def want to clean the counters before you sweep so you sweep up whatever crumbs you knock on the floor. I also clean my dining room table (with pledge) every morning, usually after breakfast, but if there's a lot of sticky on it, i'll clean it before we eat breakfast and again after.

Unload the dishwasher from the previous nights dishes so you can load it throughout the day with the dishes you use. Since we recently moved, i've heard horror stories about the cost of the light bill in the city we live in. So we are currently trying not to use the dishwasher. Our water, sewer, garbage and lights are all on 1 bill. We are used to septic tanks, no sewer charges and normally around a $15 water bill. So until we get our first power bill at our new place, no dishwasher! So if you do the same, or don't have a dishwasher (I've been there, I know your pain) then try to do dishes as you use them. It will save lots of time later when you have a mound of dishes to do and if you have a lot of kids or use a lot of dishes, your sink will fill up fast, and eventually you'll have to start putting dishes on the counter (been there too) which takes up your counter space and makes your counters icky! Plus doing 4-5 dishes at a time is WAY better than doing 20 dishes at a time after the food has had time to harden or stick to the bowl, plate, pot, whatever. Ew.

I have one of the little swiffer sweeper mops, and I mop the living room floors daily. It's really easy to whip that bad boy out, stick a pad on it and mop. Our kids eat in the living room a little more than I care to admit so they can watch tv while they eat so mama can get some things done, or just sit on her butt and bask in the few moments of quietness while they stuff their little faces and they're glued to tv. Needless to say, the living room floors can get messy. So normally after I sweep all the floors, I mop the living room. I usually just use some clorox clean up and paper towels and spot clean the dining room floors under the table after dinner so I only mop in there about once a week. I plan to get another shark mop very soon, the swiffer is just temporary. I will continue to mop the living room daily with the swiffer mop though and use the shark once a week on the whole house.

Try, try, try to do 1 load of laundry everyday. Wash, dry, fold, put away. It is so much easier and faster to fold 1 load of clothes and put them away than it is to do 3+ loads in one day and fold them all and put them all away. Normally by the 3rd load you're over it and don't wanna fold anymore so they stay in the dryer, or in the basket, am I right? If not 1 load daily, at least every other day. It will prevent dirty laundry build up, and it will also save time if you know all your kids school clothes are clean and folded and put away in their place, there won't be any digging through the laundry baskets to find clothes in the mornings, thinking something is clean just to find out it isn't, having to do last minute loads of laundry.. trust me, it's a HUGE time saver!! And an energy saver too.. I'm sure if you save all your laundry to do in one day you've gotten to the 5th load and forgot it in the washer till the next morning and had to rewash it, or had to start the dryer over 3 times to get the wrinkles out because they sat in the dryer all night? That stuff adds up on your power bill!! Do one load everyday and it won't happen!

I LOVE Windex touch up cleaner. It is perfect for quick clean ups I keep one in the bathroom on the counter, it takes 2 mins to clear off the bathroom counter, and wipe down the counter with the windex touch up cleaners. Counters get toothpaste build up all over them, soap build up, take 2 mins after you brush your teeth or go to the bathroom and wipe the counters down daily. It will keep your bathroom looking clean. You can wipe the mirrors down as well with the windex touch up! Give the bathroom a good cleaning at least once a week, clean the toilet, bathtub, sweep and mop floors. Bathrooms get pretty gross, don't let it build up over a week, it will be a lot nastier to clean and take more time.


Dust ceiling fans, blinds, book shelves, tv stands/entertainment centers etc. once a week. For quick ceiling fan cleaning without the mess, take a pillow case, put it on the blade as if you're putting a pillow in it, and pull it backwards, all the dust and dirt will go into the pillow case instead of on the floor!! If you do all these little things daily and some things once a week, it will save you loads of time later and your house will stay pretty clean everyday!

Clean the microwave every night. (If you use it frequently) Fill a microwave safe bowl up with water and about a quarter cup vinegar, put it in the microwave and run it for 5 mins, let it sit in there for about 15 mins after (don't open the door just let it sit) and then wipe it out. Everything will come off super easy! No scrubbing needed!! If you let things sit in there too long I don't know if it will wipe clean as easily, so I do mine daily, or at least 4 times a week.

Again, I know this sounds like a lot, but I promise the things that I've recommended to do daily, take about 30-40 mins, depending on how big your house is. Wouldn't you rather spend 30ish mins a day doing a few simple things and have a clean house everyday, instead of having a not so clean house and deep cleaning once a week (or less often) and it taking you the entire day!? Life is too short to spend time looking for things or cleaning, that's why keeping an organized, tidy house from day to day is so important! It saves so much time. If you have any other tips or questions leave a comment!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thrifty Refrigerator Revamp

Pin It! photo pinit_zpsf167322e.gif"/> One thing I can bet almost all mom's want, is ways to make life with kids easier. I am a stay at home mom and I am constantly sweeping crumbs, cleaning spills, trying to figure out what the sticky spot on the floor is... you get it. Being a mom is messy!! The things I really don't focus on, are the messes that aren't visible. The fridge, the oven... yea, they don't get cleaned that often. But when I do finally break down and clean them, I need a lot of time, and a lot of elbow grease!! I decided to get some vinyl cabinet liner, and line my shelves in my fridge with it, instead of my cabinets. My cabinets are painted a not so pretty brown color and of course since I rent, nothing I can do about it. I doubt I'll find any pretty paper that would match that color (I think my dog pooped that color once) so I'm not gonna bother with it. Here is my fridge before

I really don't like my kitchen. The cabinets are that icky brown color (the color probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't on cabinets, cabinets should be a neutral color, this is not) there is border on the walls you know the old style border with apples, a glass bottle of milk, an old timey looking food scale... yea that stuff. I'm scratching my head at how i'm going to decorate around that. As of now, I don't think it's gonna happen, but we will see!! In the mean time, I'm killing 2 birds with one stone with the fridge. Getting some kind of pretty in the kitchen, and assisting in my lack of fridge cleaning.


My theory is that I will want to clean spills as soon as I see them because the paper is too pretty to get spilled on!! And if my theory is wrong, then I can just peel the stuff off and put some new on! I got a pretty large roll of this vinyl contact liner from Target for around $5, still have plenty left. So If I am too lazy to wipe spills up when I see them, I can change out the paper and prevent the spills from getting on the actual shelves, so when we move, we won't have a nasty fridge to scrub clean!! Not that I ever let it get nasty, but jelly isn't easy to get off once it's sat there and hardened over time!! So... in closing, this project cost me around $5, some time cutting and installing the paper, and I have a pretty fridge that's easy to clean and is renter friendly!

The life of a renter...

I LOVE Pinterest. I would seriously like to kiss the person who came up with the idea. I spend more time than I care to admit Ohhing and Ahhing on there, mostly at the Home Decor board. I have an amazing little family of 5, a wonderful husband of nearly 6 years (nearly 9 years as a couple) and 3 amazing kids, Austin (6), Hannah (4), and Mason (2). Pinterest has led me to some wonderful blogs, given me great ideas for decorating, organizing and also made me feel pretty dumb (pancake batter in a ketchup bottle anyone? How about toothpaste on the back of the picture so it marks where you need to nail? Why didn't I think of that?!) But, Pinterest also makes me very sad at times. We are renters. It is not in the cards for us to be able to buy a home right now unfortunately, so we rent. We had a tiny 3 bedroom apartment (I'm talking around 650 sq feet) when our 3rd child was born, my husband was laid off from work, and we're still picking up the pieces and putting them back together from that time in our lives. We are now in a house we can call "home" until we can buy *our* home. But for now, I will be making someone else's home, ours.

There are up's and downs to renting, a/c breaks, you don't have to shell out the $$ to fix it!! Find a built in mud room you MUST have and build immediately? Probably a no go with the landlord. Find a gorgeous wall paper or paint color that goes perfect with the way you want to decorate the dining room? Tough cookies. I am about 99.9999999% sure I am not the only Pinterest addict lover that is in this situation.

Our current house has no rods to hang clothes in my boys closet, which is not cool!! 2 boys sharing a room and I can't hang clothes!? Mine and my husbands closet is super small and not much room to hang clothes either... needless to say, there's some major organizing to be had in our new house!! I am also very cheap thrifty. I coupon (i'm not as extreme as some, but i'm pretty hard core about it) I have a bad habit of buying something then returning it because I feel guilty. I've never really had a "decorated" house. Sure, i've had pictures on the walls, a pretty hand towel in the kitchen.. but not a homey decorated house. I haven't really cared to, because we've always rented, I just told myself I'll decorate when we buy. That is no more. This home will be our home for quite some time. I want it to be warm, and inviting, and organized!!

The organizing/decorating bug has bit me and bit me hard thanks to Jen over at iheartorganizing. Her taste is pretty much the same as mine, her organizing skills are AWESOME, she is my virtual idol :) She and her husband (she's the brains behind the operation but gotta give her hubby some props too on making some of her dreams reality!!) do amazing things to their home and while I can't do everything she can, because I rent, my goal is to do the renters version. If there is just one person in the world that can relate to this blog, then I am happy :) If you rent too and don't do the things you'd like because you rent, stick around, you may like what you see. I didn't call this blog The Thrifty Tenant for nothing.. the things you see here will be very affordable! Thanks for stopping by and reading!! :)